3 Year Memorial for Police Shooting Victim, Keaton Otis
Sunday, May 12, 2013 - 5:00pm
The Miracles Club
4200 Northeast Martin Luther King Junior Boulevard
Portland, Oregon 97212
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Below are details on this Sunday's memorial for Keaton Otis, three years later, from the event's facebook page
(which is visible only to facebook users) https://www.facebook.com/events/338834816228790
Get Directions <http://bing.com/maps/default.aspx?v=2&pc=FACEBK&mid=8100&rtp=adr.%7Epos.45.554210902476_-122.66152823901_The+Miracles+Club_4200+Northeast+Martin+Luther+King+Junior+Boulevard%2C+Portland%2C+Oregon+97212&cp=45.554210902476%7E-122.66152823901&lvl=16&sty=r&rtop=0%7E0%7E0%7E&mode=D&FORM=FBKPL1&mkt=en-US>
Want to help? If you've seen the latest leaflet (#6, below), you'll understand we are ready to press Oregon authorities for an independent investigation into the death of Keaton Otis, on 12 May 2010.
From http://justiceforkeatonotis.wordpress.com/ "He kind of looks like he could be a gangster," police later claimed, "he's got his hood up over his head,...and he had ...some scruffy, scruffy facial hair." A witness testified Keaton Otis appealed for help --"Don't leave," he pleaded with this stranger, "they're gonna kill me."
Witnesses tell of Keaton Otis being punched in the face through the car window, of officers not letting him out of his mother's car. And then multiple officers began nearly continuous use of tasers.
By 6:25 pm Keaton Otis was dying. Audio evidence has Keaton Otis screaming his are hands up. An officer shouts, "Let's do it!" and three members of Portland's anti-gang HEAT Team open fire. Two officers were wounded as bullets bounced from a brick wall.
It was easily established that the more superficial wounds came from ricochet rounds. Within minutes Portland's most notorious police officers -- with prior, proven histories of violence against innocent and often black, Portlanders -- close associates of the shooters, converged on the scene; taking control of the car, the body and evidence-- and arguing to keep the rival Strategic [sic-s/b Special] Emergency Response Team from securing the crime scene.
Long minutes after the killing, Portland police abused Keaton Otis' corpse, firing beanbag rounds at his lifeless body. Portland Police began to immediately abuse the criminal justice system.
A state-wide investigation will break the ranks of the 'blue wall of silence' and discrepancies in officer accounts, evidence, and medical records will come to light.
With your help, Keaton Otis' death will expose the flaws in the County DA's bogus Grand Jury proceedings. We'll show how skewed testimony and procedural gimmicks prevented your peers from understanding the timeline never permits Keaton to have fired a shot, even if they were ever able to prove he was armed.
Another consequence of your involvement will be to demonstrate the structural deficiencies of Portland's Independent Police Review apparatus. This body, which the US DoJ terms a 'self-defeating accountability system,'persistently refused to investigate ... or even to allow Keaton's father to appeal the City's self-exoneration.
Join us on May 12th at 5PM.